Date: 27th May 2016

SBL Ladder Pre-Event Information

The Summer Boulder Ladder is a fun, dedicated bouldering competition series suitable for all ages. All Competitions held at Durham Climbing Centre are suitable for novice to advanced climbers who have climbed before.

• Route setting is varied from easy to hard

• There are 4 rounds + prizes, raffle and fun problems evening.

• Competitors are welcome from any geographic location.

• The event is self-scored – please be honest!

• The Summer Boulder Ladder is £1 to enter each round. Scorecards may be picked up from reception. Proceeds donated to CAC

• Please sign in at reception to each round and give signed consent to photographs

Categories are as follows –

16 – 39 Senior Male & Female

40+ Veterans Male & Female

Junior Categories

7 – 9 Boys

7 – 9 Girls

10 – 12 Boys

10 – 12 Girls

13 – 15 Boys

13 – 15 Girls

How does the competition work?

• Adults may enter every round and attempt problems as many times as they like in as many visits as they like.

• Each round lasts 3 - 4 weeks. All problems must be completed within this timescale.

• Scorecards should be handed in at the end of every session so online scoreboard can be updated.

• Scoreboard will be updated regularly.

Summer Boulder Ladder Competition Rules

• All problems start with hands on marked handholds. All problems end by touching two hands (matching) on the final hold.

• Volumes, features & arêtes are included on all problems unless stated on the day. Ask a member of staff if you are unsure prior to starting a problem.

• When both feet have left the ground, this counts as one attempt.

• The maximum number of points (11) is awarded if the problem is climbed (flashed) on the first attempt. 10 Points are awarded for any attempt after this.

• Competitors are entered into categories according to age. They should enter the correct category for their age on the date of Round 1 and remain in that category regardless if they have a birthday during the Summer Boulder Ladder.

Scoring: Points are awarded as follows –

Successful 1st Attempt: 11 points

Any Attempt: 10 points


• All scorecards must be handed in at the end of each session.

• Results will be live online during each round.

• Overall score is best 3 out of 4 rounds.

Prizes will be awarded at the end of season prize giving, raffle and fun challenges evening.

Hayley McKenna Manager