There has been some exciting new changes to the walls at DCC over the past couple of weeks! In just over 2 weeks, respected climbers and wall builders Mickey Stainthorpe and Dan Varian have been busy transforming some of the centre’s walls along with help from DCC’s D.I.Y. master Phil!
The biggest of the changes made so far is the revamp of the cave. It is now bigger and features more variety of angles than the old cave along with a much larger roof!
The Junior Wall has received a mini refurb with some panels replaced in the cave area and new volumes added.
Another change includes an addition of an extra climbing wall opposite the slab – a welcome addition and will be used for adults and children from age 3+.
The tunnel has also seen some changes with the clamping double arête in the tunnel being pushed back to allow a wider variety of routes to be set. The small roof at the end of the tunnel has now being changed to a steady overhang onto the vertical wall above. New yellow matting has been installed to brighten up the tunnel area!
New holds have been added to our Beastmaker training board this week by the man himself Dan Varian. There are some bigger footholds (marked with a ‘X’) to allow for a slightly easier session plus a cool new central sloper. Give the new holds a go when you’re next in the centre!
Earlier in the year we purchased a large quantity of new holds and volumes which have been added to our circuits recently. Look out for more volumes coming soon!
Thanks for being patient with us whilst the changes have being in progress! Look out for more changes still planned for the near future and we hope you enjoy the new angles!