Durham Climbing Centre’s second dedicated Junior Winter Series starts in October 2014!
A fun, in-house competition series hosted by Durham Climbing Centre.
Junior Winter Series Pre Event Information
All Junior Competitions held at Durham Climbing Centre are suitable for novice to advanced Junior Climbers who have climbed before.
The DCC Winter Series is a dedicated junior competition.
Route setting is tailored to juniors’ age and ability.
Taking place over 5 rounds from October 2013 – March 2014. Award Ceremony Saturday 23rd March 2013
Competitors are welcome from any geographic location.
Competitors must be members of Durham Climbing Centre. Membership may be completed on the day of the event.
The event is self-scored by parents / juniors & DCC staff.
Categories are as follows –
Youth C – those born in 2000 & 2001
Youth D – those born in 2002 & 2003
Youth E – those born in 2004 & 2005
Youth F – those born in 2006 & 2007
Competition Rules
All problems start with hands on marked handholds. All problems end by touching two hands (matching) on the final hold.
Volumes, features & arêtes are included on all problems unless stated on scorecard. Ask your coach if you are unsure prior to starting a problem.
When both feet have left the ground, this counts as one attempt.
The maximum number of points (11) is awarded if the problem is climbed (flashed) on the first attempt. 10 Points are awarded for any successful attempt.
Score-cards are self marked. Be honest – it is important juniors understand how the scoring works.
Juniors are entered into categories according to age. They should enter the correct category for their age according to their year of birth.
Scoring: Points are awarded as follows –
Successful 1st Attempt (Flash): 11 points
Any Attempt: 10 points
All scorecards must be handed in by 10pm on last Thursday in each round.
Results will be announced online and updated regularly each round.
Round scores are carried forward to overall score.
Overall score is best 4 scores out of 5 rounds.
Trophies & medals are awarded for winners and runners up. All competitors overall receive a certificate to take home in final on 22nd March
A free raffle will be drawn in final on 22d March. Scorecards from each round are entered as raffle tickets.
Guidance for Parents
Parents are responsible for supervising juniors outside junior lessons.
The practice of spotting is strongly recommended by parents.
Parents may help juniors with scoring and filling in scorecards.
Parents please be aware of rules and scoring system to advise children correctly on how the competition works specifically how problems are started and finished, and number of attempts.
Please ensure your child completes a warm up prior to climbing.
Please encourage and support all children taking part, as well as your own.
Junior Winter Bouldering Series 2014 Round Dates
Friday 25th October Thursday 21st November
Friday 22nd November – Thursday 19th Dec
Friday 20th December – Thursday 16th Jan
Friday 17th Jan – Thursday 20th Feb
Friday 21st Feb – Thursday 20th March
Saturday 22nd March Award Ceremony & Raffle 1pm – 3pm
Previous Junior Competitions at DCC