Date: 28th December 2018

Round 3 WBS by Dave Barrans

Round 3 Winter Boulder Series starts on Friday 4th January with a brand new yellow circuit from British Champ Dave Barrans. Come along from 5pm on Friday 4th January for £5.00 entry.

Get psyched for 5 rounds of problems across the grade range from very easy to very hard! Designed to offer something for everyone, the Winter Boulder Series gives you the opportunity to try the fresh problems each round and give yourself a score for attempting each one. There are 3 weeks in each round, so try the problems as many times as you like and keep adding to your score every visit! Rounds overlap, so you can even complete 2 rounds in one visit! Round 2 is open until 7th January to add more points to those purple climbs.

Round scores are published online, so you can see you score moving up (or down) the scoreboard! Prizes are awarded in the Winter Boulder Series bash on Friday plus every scorecard from each round earns you a free raffle ticket to win a star prize! You really do have to be in it to win it! Scorecards cost just £1.50 per round so pick yours up from reception, and don't forget to add up your score and hand in every visit so we can update the online scoreboard. Best 4/5 scores count towards your final score… you can drop your lowest score.

Round Dates

Round 1: 16 November - 17 December

Round 2: 7 December - 7 January

Round 3: 4 January – 4 February

Round 4: 25 January – Feb 25 February

Round 5: 15 February – 11 March

WBS Big Bash Friday 15 March 6pm - Fun problems, Prizes, Raffle, and Pizza!

Hayley McKenna Manager