Date: 24th January 2014

Whites 6b - 7a+ Ready Now

Route setter Paul Carruthers has created 25 new white problems today graded 6b – 7a+. Paul’s circuits are always enjoyed at the wall and having just returned from a year long climbing marathon around Europe his current standard of setting is better than ever.


Suited to intermediate climbers. A big mix match, with a bit of everything in this circuit! From slopers to crimps, powerful to technical this circuit should be a test to climbers set into any one climbing style. Look out for some ‘out of the box’ style moves (problems #6, #11 & #18) Good luck with the ‘stamina-fest’ of problem 11! #12 is the circuit crux (most difficult problem in circuit) Enjoy!

Get ahead and download the white circuit sheet here!

Hayley McKenna Manager